#tbt My Love . . .

Written 7/11/2008 and still true . . . Writing is the vessel through which great things occur in my life.  Proinde ego sum.  I write, therefore I am.  I need a writing instrument and a blank slate almost as much as I need heart and brain; almost as much as air and water. Throughout all…

I Trust God

Other possible titles include: How I’ve Learned to Trust God; God Will Do What He Says He Will Do; Faith is a Learned Activity; or A Modern Day Psalm. According to Rev 12:11 We overcome “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of [our] testimony.” (NKJV) Sometimes we wait until the battle is…


Every now and then our own words come back to haunt us (sometimes in a good way.) This week I embarked on a new entrepreneurial adventure. I launched Ask Tracie Jae – a research assistance company. This morning, I found a poem that I wrote in July, 2009. Courage I’ve been told, It’s not what we do…

Open Letter to My Daddy

Daddy, I sat down to write this letter as a public declaration of my private appreciation. The words ‘thank you’ seem inadequate for a person who has always been in my corner and never managed to fail me. Certainly, as an adult, through adult eyes, I see you as fallible (as all of us are).…

I Remember Ruby

#tbt This morning Ruby Abernathy crossed my mind. When I was an 8th grade student at Lanier Middle School, we were assigned a service project for history class. I don’t remember the exact requirement, but we had to find a place to serve and then write about it. I volunteered at Thomas Care Center on…

What’s more important – my chair or my soul?

Sometimes things happen to, or around, me that it takes me a while to rebound from. Sometimes it’s the actual incident, but more often it’s the principle of the matter. One such thing that sends my water to about 98.5°F is when persons in some position of authority (real or implied) take it too far.…